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4.1 函数(第一部分)125. 4.1.1 内建函数125. 4.1… Cover design: KüenkelLopka GmbH Printed on acid-free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Foreword by Tom Burke The OPC Foundation is very honored to endorse this superior book and the excellent work that the authors have put together. This book provides a solid framework of understanding about the OPC Foundation specifications and technology from the beginning of OPC up through and including ★ 本书配有电子教案,需要者可登录出版社网站,免费下载。 图书在版编目(cip)数据 金属材料及机械制造工艺/任长春主编.—西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2012. 3 高职高专国家示范性院校机电类专业课改教材 isbn 978–7–5606–2740–3 Ⅰ.

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