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Note: You can make this a little as 3.5 GB. It really depends if you instead on analyzing images with Autopsy. Click on the "Store virtual disk as a single file" Click Next. Personalize Linux. Instructions: Click Finished; Note: Helix will now boot off of the Helix2008R1.iso. Red Hat Enterprise Linux是美国红帽公司开发的商业市场导向的Linux发行版,商业版操作系统的主要获取方式是通过购买服务器、工作站等产品后随机配送系统安装光盘,一般情况下官方不会直接公开历代版本下载,为方便大家学习研究,整理分享历代红帽官方正式版镜像给有需要的朋友们。 linux学习笔记一.Linux虚拟机的下载 在地址栏输入,就可以进入vmware的官网,我准备使用vmware虚拟机来学习linux。注意:自己注册一下,然后在登录就可以 当你点击download后,进入下面这个界面 点击上图中右侧的all downloads就可以进入到vmware的所有下载列表,如下图所示 继续点击上图中红框中 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.0 Server正式版iso下载 附MD5及SHA-256.

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The boot  There are 2 solutions to boot from CD/DVD. The first solution is to use the existing Plop Linux ISO image. Pro: You have to burn it on a CD as it is and it's  Click on the "Store virtual disk as a single file"; Click Next. Personalize Linux. Instructions: Click Finished. Note: Helix will now boot off of the Helix2008R1.iso.