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With a discrete, in-game FPS counter to help you keep track, you can test and tune these settings even further. 8/10 (7 votos) - Descargar Razer Cortex para PC Última Versión Gratis. Mejora el rendimiento del sistema, elimina los archivos basura que puedan ralentizar tu juego y encuentra las mejores ofertas en juegos en Razer Cortex. Razer, el famoso fabricante de hardware orientado al gaming, pone a 黑寡妇蜘蛛X终极版 + 太攀皇蛇3500 + 北海巨妖7.1 + 重装甲虫移动版; Razer 雷蛇狂蛇2000 + 重装甲虫速度版套装 ; Razer 雷蛇狂蛇2000 + 重装甲虫控制版套装; Razer《穿越火线》2015键鼠组合: 黑寡妇蜘蛛竞技版 + 雷蛇蝰蛇1800; Razer Turret 堡垒神蛛; 游戏座椅. 游戏座椅; Razer Iskur 雷蛇风神; 主机专用. 街机摇杆; Razer Panthera Evo 雷蛇潘德拉猎豹进化版; Razer Atrox 悍猛狂狮《龙珠战士Z》定制版 Download Razer themed desktop and mobile wallpapers, screensavers, and videos.

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RAZER CORTEX: GAME BOOSTER 藉由管理、中止遊戲時非必要的程序與應用程式(例如商務應用程式或背景小幫手等),來改善您的 PC的 效能。這樣一來就能釋放玩遊戲所需的寶貴硬體資源與記憶體,提高每秒幀數並帶來更流暢的遊戲效能。 自動優化您的遊戲執行 . 當您開啟遊戲後,RAZER CORTEX: GAME BOOSTER將自動執行。 … 13/01/2021 Razer Cortex: GAME BOOSTER increases your FPS by micro-managing your Windows OS and non-essential applications using two core modes: one that disables CPU sleep mode, and one that enables the CPU core to prioritize gaming. With a discrete, in-game FPS counter to help you keep track, you can test and tune these settings even further. 8/10 (7 votos) - Descargar Razer Cortex para PC Última Versión Gratis.

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Razer Cortex 雷游不仅能增强你的游戏体验,还能增强你的整个系统。新版“Razer Cortex 雷游:系统加速器”是一个可以 12/05/2020 立即下载 Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7. 针对游戏优化您的 PC “RAZER CORTEX 雷游: 加速器”可通过在玩游戏时管理和禁用您不需要的进程和应用(如业务应用和后台帮助程序)来改善 PC 的性能。这将释放激烈游戏所需的宝贵资源和内存,并可以修复一些问题,如图形不流畅和游戏速度缓慢。 自动增强您的游戏会话. 当您启动游戏时,“RAZER CORTEX 雷游: 加速器”会自动开启。并且在 Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7. RAZER CORTEX: GAME BOOSTER. Enjoy higher framerates and faster load times by tuning your PC with our suite of gaming optimization tools. Learn More; RAZER CORTEX: BOOSTER PRIME . Automatically streamline your PC’s performance and visuals for supported games, thanks to an advanced AI with a machine-learning algorithm that calculates the best settings … Razer Cortex is a free app that has a number of useful tools; it lets gamers launch games whilst boosting computer performance, back up save games, record in-game footage and find bargain deals on games.