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16/03/2021 View the profiles of people named El Activista. Join Facebook to connect with El Activista and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to Usos y objetivos. La prensa, a veces, usa el término «activismo» como sinónimo de manifestación o protesta. En la ciencia política también puede ser sinónimo de militancia, particularmente a favor de una causa.Dentro del marco legal y electoral de las democracias representativas, usualmente toma la forma de cabildeo —redactar cartas, efectuar reuniones o hacer expresiones a la prensa TANDANA IS a non-profit project which aims to sensitize people about climate change, inclusion of vulnerable groups including animals and nature, through gastronomy, entertainment and reflection. Maya Penn started her first company when she was 8 years old, and thinks deeply about how to be responsible both to her customers and to the planet.
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16/03/2021 View the profiles of people named El Activista. Join Facebook to connect with El Activista and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to Usos y objetivos. La prensa, a veces, usa el término «activismo» como sinónimo de manifestación o protesta. En la ciencia política también puede ser sinónimo de militancia, particularmente a favor de una causa.Dentro del marco legal y electoral de las democracias representativas, usualmente toma la forma de cabildeo —redactar cartas, efectuar reuniones o hacer expresiones a la prensa TANDANA IS a non-profit project which aims to sensitize people about climate change, inclusion of vulnerable groups including animals and nature, through gastronomy, entertainment and reflection. Maya Penn started her first company when she was 8 years old, and thinks deeply about how to be responsible both to her customers and to the planet. She shares her story -- and some animations, and some designs, and some infectious energy -- in this charming talk.
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